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Review: Pillow Thoughts II Healing The Heart by Courtney Peppernell

The second book in the fan-favourite poetry collection, better known as Pillow Thoughts.

A hand holds up Pillow Thoughts 2 by Courtney Peppernell. The cover shows a jellyfish hugging a heart,

Dates read: 23/01/2022 to 05/02/2022

Star rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Word to describe: Precious

Genre: Poetry

Poetry has quickly become one of my favourite genres to explore. Courtney Peppernell is an Instagram famous poet that focuses her work on breaking and mending the heart. The original Pillow Thoughts was the first of her work that I had read, it broke me and then pieced me back together in a way that was stronger than ever. Healing The Heart is no different. Though not quite living up to the emotional turmoil of its predecessor, Healing The Heart is just as great of a gift for the soul. The writing is gentle and feels like a soft caress on the heart. Courtney Peppernell's verses and words shower the reader in security and love.

I find the Pillow Thoughts collection to be extremely therapeutic. Courtney Peppernell finds a way to put into words exactly the emotion you're feeling. Strangely reading her words on paper acts as a sponge, absorbing all the negativity in your life and leaving more room for the sun to shine. Healing The Heart gives the reader new sections to fall in love with whilst capturing the essence of the previous book perfectly. Poems for when you're in love, missing someone, or just feeling down are sure to be found in this collection.

For once, I am lost for words in how to adequately describe a book. Healing The Heart is well crafted and is dripping with positivity and emotional support. This poet has found a way to hug her readers from afar. In particular, the poems that concentrate on self-love resonate with me. There are poems I didn't know I needed until I had read the page. Some poems re-opened the healed wounds left behind from the original Pillow Thoughts. Some poems will stay with me as a constant reminder to let go and take a minute to breathe and enjoy the peace. And finally, there are poems that I will share with others throughout my life.

The Pillow Thoughts collection, whilst acting as a constant reminder of the sadness that we can find in this world, shows readers that no matter what goes wrong and what gets damaged there will always be strength left to rebuild the walls.

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